Tuesday 20 March 2012

Question 7

Preliminary Task

The 2nd shot in our preliminary task technically breaks 180 degree rule, but the match-on-action edit makes it unnoticeable. We should have kept the camera on the same side of our actor, unless shown crossing the 180 degree line in the edit. Below is a video I found on YouTube which helps explain the 180 degree rule. Despite this minor error, the task was very successful and taught me the basics of production and editing.

Opening Sequence

Once I had logged the footage onto the computer I realised we had some serious problems with the footage:
  • Our footage had no audio
  • Some shots were not level
  • We needed a reaction shot from a character
  • We broke 180 degree rule (again)
We were advised to re-shoot the film but because of prior commitments we were forced to make do with what we had.  

No Audio

To solve the issue of having no audio I returned to the location with a camera and recorded a wild track.  Doing this gave me more control over what sounds we have during each scene; giving me the opportunity to avoid unwanted sounds e.g. aeroplanes, dogs barking and also allowed me time ambient sounds that would subtly help the dramatic structure of the film e.g. ducks, birds.
To accompany the wild track, I wanted to add some folly sounds to give the diegesis credibility.  For this, I used a bag of cornflower to imitate the sound of footsteps on snow.  It proved very hard time the audio with the images but after getting some feedback apparently it is fine.  After adding the soundtrack, we have 6 layers of sound during the majority of the sequence which has taught me a lot about audio construction in films and for that I am grateful we made the error in the first place.

Wonky shots

The 'wonky' shots in the sequence were corrected during the edit by altering the radius of the frame.  Working out how to do this lead me to discover other modifications that can be made such as 'zoom' which came in handy for the ambiguous shot of the killer which I felt should have been shot at a medium shot instead of a long shot.

Reaction Shot

To get the reaction shot I had to contact the actor and schedule a quick shoot with her wearing the same costume as to keep with continuity.  The shot was used in the draft which can be seen below but ultimately we decided it wasn't good enough and the whole ending to the sequence was cut from the edit.

180 degree rule

Having broke the rule already in our preliminary task and still getting by with the footage, we decided to us a match-on-action edit to help the mistake go unnoticed.  The shots from the sequence below show the of the rule; where the characters appear to swap sides momentarily because of the camera placement.  If both character would have been standing the footage would have been unusable as it would be too disorientating for the audience and the film would lose credibility.

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