Thursday 26 January 2012

Our opening sequence

Combining ideas from my chosen opening sequence (Jaws) and Ben's sequence (Halloween), we've decided on our plot, setting, enigma, characters and some camerawork were going to use.

Setting: Park/forrest; Hornchurch country park. (Quiet, eerie, dark)

Enigma: Who's in the woods? Why does he kill the boy?; point of view shots of the murder. (similar to Halloween)

Characters: A group of teenagers, 1 boy and 1 girl are privilaged by the edit and have the only significant dialogue in the sequence (similar to Jaws). The killer is anonymous.

Plot: The first shot is hand-held/steadicam through dense forest. Cut-away to a group of teenagers are observed sitting around a fire in a park late at night. A dolly shot from behind the characters, creating silhouettes of the character's backs, giving us a good image to place the titles on. A boy and a girl are shown looking at eachother in a shot reverse shot and a long shot shows the two sneaking away unnoticed. A series of pans show the two running towards dense forest, including the character's dialogue. The two are shown against a tree in a two-shot and a series of close ups and insert shots follow. The next shot is back to handheld/steadyicam from the killer's point of view and we see the boy being murdered from the killers persperctive.

We now need to discuss and research on which soundtrack, sound effects and techniques we're going to use.

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