Wednesday 22 February 2012

Post-Production Update

When watching our footage back we quickly realised that we did not record any sound (wrong setting on the camera).  We were pleased enough with the footage to stick with it rather than shooting it again.  I am going to record a wild track this weekend at the same location (Hornchurch Country Park) as well as additional sound effects such as screams, yells, laughter, foot steps to create our ambient sounds for the footage.  In the edit I will cut all dialogue scenes to avoid needing to dub voices, which would be difficult.  We plan to write our own score track which will run the entire length of the movie.  This combined with ambient sounds and sound effects will hopefully provide enough sound for the movie, dispite our initial mistake.

Ultimately, what we have learned from this is to do a quick test of that everything is working (e.g. microphone) before proceeding to shoot our movie.  I have now started the editing of the movie, mainly conventrating on removing dialogue scenes and perfecting match-on-actions before I incorporate titles or audio.

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